Monday, December 13, 2010

End Behaviors

In an equation, the degree is the highest power. For example, in the equation 5x^8 + 2x^4 - 3x, the degree would be 8. the degree tells the type of equation and the number of turns it's graph has, which is always one number less than the degree.

Degree 0- constant
Degree 1- linear.
Degree 2- quadratic.
Degree 3 – cubic.
Degree 4 – quadratic.
Degree 5- quintic.
Degree 6 –sextic
Degree 7 and on-#tic
Linear Equations
When m is positve: 
domain→ +∞, range → +∞ (rises on the right)
domain → -∞, range → -∞ (falls on the left)

When m is Negative 
domain → -∞, range → +∞ (rises on the left)
domain → +∞, range → -∞ (falls on the right)
Quadratic Equations (Parabolas)
2 degree 
1 turn

When a is Positive 
domain → +∞, range → +∞ (rises on the right)
domain → -∞, range → -∞ (falls on the left)

When a is Negative 
domain → +∞, range → -∞ (falls on the right)
domain → -∞, range → -∞ (falls on the left)

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